A Very Personal Definition of Poetry

made with canva What is poetry? The usual definitions are just one click away. But to each poet or wannabe poet the answer would be a gamut of words and phrases both imagined and defined. Each one unique. Some might be fathomable, others oblique. It depends on ones point of view and the history of that point of view. What is a poem? Is it enough that words rhyme or have cadence. Or in answer to contemporary voices, none at all but needs some sort of flavor that only its author understands. Many scholars attempt to decipher some hidden meaning between lines and words of dead poets. What if there is none? What if a poem is simply a cornucopia of words as they come out of our heads, or fingers as we type or write depending on ones preference. Maybe in some deep-seated consciousness a poem is ones attempt to put definition to an otherwise pale view of the world. Or simply some neural rumblings that needed shape and texture. Po...