A Review of Joshua Mehigan's Essay - " I Thought You Were a Poet"
I knew I was never going to be a poet the day I chose to be happy. source: canva.com Joshua Mehigan's essay - "I thought You Were a Poet" - just confirmed that. Winner of Poetry Foundation's editor's prize for feature article, he talked about the seemingly psychotic behaviors of popular poets throughout the centuries which seemed to be the main attracting element that poets had for the public that embraced them. The mysterious eccentricities that made them both repulsive and intriguing. How many poets have you actually known by the poems that they wrote? Isn't it more like reading their biographies first or hearing about their many women or drinking habit or in the end how they killed themselves. And then you want to read their poetry to see whether the stories are true. As if out of those verses you could watch an HD version of their lives. Joshua Mehigan started his essay with an interpretation of Dryden...