
made with canva The wind swept. Swirling everything on its path. Fierce. Wild. In abandon, like it always does. Sometimes it moves with a purpose as if it knows exactly where it is going. Sometimes it does. But most of the time it doesn't. It could change its mind, just like that. Sometimes sweeping whole towns with it, an after effect of a phenomenon caused simply because it couldn't make up its mind. How absurd to compare a woman to this thing. Sometimes it will go on howling all day, sometimes all night - which is worse. Sometimes it could make you feel like your world is ending, like everything will be changed the day after. And sometimes it will. Sometimes it could make you snuggle within thick sheets, and that is only if your house is big enough to withstand its strength. Which is not always the case in small towns where it usually hits. The worst is when it is somewhat silent, but then it brings with it too much rain and to...