Eyes that cannot see, Ears that cannot hear

In the twilight of dawn, one summer eve
a boy was born to parents new and young
although turned out from hostels
when they wanted to stay the night
for hospitals there were none in sight
nor lying-ins to birth the child,
the boy managed to be born
without help from a nurse
nor doctors in masks and scrubs

Through the dark skies of that fateful night
a star shone so bright
it reached the sights of three kings
traveling together in search of a boy
though they were from kingdoms far and away
it reached the shepherds
herding their flocks in a desert not so far away
it reached the wild animals of the forest
even as they rest to live another day

Many years passed such as it was forgotten
how the boy got to be born
how the star shone so bright that night
how the three kings came with gifts
how the shepherds and the animals bowed
as if they understood the same thing as the kings did
how it seemed as if for once
the heavens and the earths united
as if that is the way it has always been

And still many more years had passed
and although a book has been written
about this boy and his birth
about the kings and the gifts
about the shepherds and their flocks
about the star that shone like no other star in the sky
that night has been forgotten and made into a legend
like King Arthur and his knights of the round table

But this boy became a man far greater than a king
far greater than King Arthur and his knights
far greater than any king that has lived before and after
legend or real, breathing or dead
greater than bygone kings remembered in epics and songs
greater than kings that had shaped the history of the world
for this boy became a man who shaped
not only the history of the world
but also its past, its present and its future

This boy grew into a man
who knew the light, who knew the truth
and who was the way to the truth and the light
he was a man who was not afraid of death
because it is death itself which is afraid of him
he taught love and every word that came from his mouth
were blessings and healing to wounded souls
and yet everyone closed their eyes and their ears

Because dead hearts choose to forget
and dead hearts deny truth and light
they wallow instead in the belief that such stuffs of legend
are legends and are to the present insignificant
like languages dead because no one speaks them
like cuneiform scratches because no one reads them
and the dead they say cannot walk with the living
because the dead settles and disappears with the dust of this earth

But this boy was a man greater than death
he died those thousands years ago to bring life to the world
and though his body was scourged and beaten
his soul and spirit healed that which was wounded
and though the world denied the way
and closed their eyes and ears to the light and the truth
they could not bury it with the dead nor make it settle with the dust
even though many still choose not to believe
it is the truth and the truth lives in the past, in the present and in the future

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