
Showing posts from September, 2012

A cheesy love poem

I have promised you some verses, which up until now I haven't done. It's not because you don't inspire me, it's more because I only write poetry when there are things I cannot say, and with you I can say and share everything. You have my heart and with it is my poetry.  ↞⇼↠ Te Quiero, Carino I don't know if you'll ever find this page Perhaps not. I'd prefer that. Because these verses They don't come near to expressing The depth of what I feel for you. It's so cliché. It's hard to find words unique Which will only mean you. I promise to write another one Something that could rival the beauty of the sunset But perhaps If I try that It will take a lifetime. Then I'll just read it to you When we're both 90 and weak in the knees Although being weak in the knees That doesn't have anything to do With being 90, it's when you're around. Perhaps we'll get our grandson to read it Because by then we'll be wea...

10 Simple Ways to Say I Love You

source:   In this busy, hectic world that we live in, we sometimes tend to overlook the simple things that could make the day for someone we love. Throw in recession and our minds simply stop functioning in the simple level. So, here's to give you a jolt and remind you that after everything, we still have the people we love who are standing by us and needs some teeny weeny attention to put that smile back on. 1. Hug. When you open your eyes, first thing in the morning and you wake up to this wonderful person snoring beside you, don't hesitate to give him/her a hug. 2. Kiss. After that hug it would be great to couple it with a kiss on the nose, the forehead or the cheek. Even that little nook between neck and shoulder, or that exposed shoulder quivering from the force of his/her snore. 3. Look him/her in the eye. When you wake up almost late in the morning, hurrying for work or that job interview, don't forget to take notice of this person who prepared yo...