10 Simple Ways to Say I Love You

image of a teddy bear holding a flower and a heart that says love
source: canva.com
In this busy, hectic world that we live in, we sometimes tend to overlook the simple things that could make the day for someone we love. Throw in recession and our minds simply stop functioning in the simple level. So, here's to give you a jolt and remind you that after everything, we still have the people we love who are standing by us and needs some teeny weeny attention to put that smile back on.

1. Hug. When you open your eyes, first thing in the morning and you wake up to this wonderful person snoring beside you, don't hesitate to give him/her a hug.

2. Kiss. After that hug it would be great to couple it with a kiss on the nose, the forehead or the cheek. Even that little nook between neck and shoulder, or that exposed shoulder quivering from the force of his/her snore.

3. Look him/her in the eye. When you wake up almost late in the morning, hurrying for work or that job interview, don't forget to take notice of this person who prepared your breakfast, sat beside you at table and sipped coffee with. Look him/her in the eye and say "I love you' with those stares.

4. Post it. Leave post it notes on the fridge, on the desk, on the computer monitor, inside his/her packed lunch, saying "I love you" or some beautiful love quote that you found on the net, or read in a book or poem.

5. Kiss on the lips. Never ever forget planting that kiss on the lips.

6. Cook it. Try baking some heart shaped cookie or bread, or cooking some heart-shaped hotcake. Cheesy, but isn't "I love you' cheesy enough, might as well go all the way.

7. E-mail it. Chatting might not be allowed at work, but an e-mail with "I love you" as subject is no longer a virus especially when it came from you.

8. Text it. One text a day is an "I love you" energy booster vitamin.

9. Sing it. You don't have to be Celine Dion, a short refrain or chorus hummed softly in your loves ears would be enough to completely plant that smile on his/her lips.

10. Kiss. Yep, never forget that good night kiss. Ever.


I cringe now when I read this, but it is part of the journey, so it stays.

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