A Time For Change: I´ve Decided to Finally Take Action in Owning My Blog

A small step to conquer my fear of commitment, a giant leap for my writer spirit. Photo by Kaboompics at Pexels I want to write a blog, no I don´t want to take the risk. That has been my motto for pretty much everything in my life. Too chicken to dive into the water, always dipping my toe just a tad to see how things will go. Do you sometimes feel the same way too? That moment when you are faced with crossroads that could possibly change your life, and you fail to act because you are simply petrified about making any decision? Welcome to my world. I have had moments when I did jump, but it was never without much thought first. I always need to weigh the pros and cons, see a projected future in my mind, like a movie playing the possible scenarios of my possible future. Much of the decisions I made, I think turned out well. Which is why, it´s a mystery why it has taken me this long to finally jump into taking my blogging seriously....