A Time For Change: I´ve Decided to Finally Take Action in Owning My Blog

A small step to conquer my fear of commitment, a giant leap for my writer spirit.

Woman´s hand typing on a black keyboard, flat lay with typography, fuck anything that doesn´t make you happy
Photo by Kaboompics at Pexels

I want to write a blog, no I don´t want to take the risk. 

That has been my motto for pretty much everything in my life. Too chicken to dive into the water, always dipping my toe just a tad to see how things will go. 

Do you sometimes feel the same way too? 

That moment when you are faced with crossroads that could possibly change your life, and you fail to act because you are simply petrified about making any decision? 

Welcome to my world.

I have had moments when I did jump, but it was never without much thought first. I always need to weigh the pros and cons, see a projected future in my mind, like a movie playing the possible scenarios of my possible future. 

Much of the decisions I made, I think turned out well. 

Which is why, it´s a mystery why it has taken me this long to finally jump into taking my blogging seriously.

The Free Way is Not Always the Best Way

I discovered blogger in 2008. 

I started with a blog not knowing what it will be about nor what its purpose was going to be. I just started it because I wanted to write. 

I didn´t care whether people will read it, on the other hand, I was also too stupefied that people might actually read it. So, I just wrote. Never told anyone about it, not even my mother.

Fast forward a couple of years later, I was getting burned out from my job at that point in my life. I was looking for change, I knew that if ever I find another way to feed me and my family, I would like it to be writing. 

At that point, there wasn´t a lot of information yet on how to make a living writing. I got scammed once or twice, but the blogging… crickets.

Then I found constant-content. I sold an article for $20! Yey! Based on freelance writing jobs I applied to before, that wasn´t peanuts. 

And so, once again my blogging journey got derailed. I let my blogs sit in the dim, cobwebbed bowels of the blogspot.com domain. My contemporaries have gone on to become successful bloggers, even online entrepreneurs.

The thing about being parked in a free blogging platform like blogger is that you don´t have monthly obligations to worry about. 

If I don´t feel like writing this month, or the next month, or the entire next two years, it will not matter, my blog will always be where it was. 

Sometimes, in order to know our real potential, there is no other way but to take the plunge.

No Plan, No Direction

If you don´t know where you are going, any road can take you there.
- Lewis Carroll

I think I should hang this quote on my bathroom wall and stare at it every morning. 

That is the story of my life career-wise. It´s not even that I don´t have any talent, that is actually the problem. I have so many interests that´s pulling me in all directions. In the end I just sat in the middle of the crossroads, doing nothing, hoping that one day the muse will point me in the right direction.

Fast forward a decade. 

The internet exploded and the face of the web has changed completely. Information everywhere. 

YouTube spouting gurus of all things. I call it YouTube University. Everything I need to learn how to do, it´s just one click away. 

Finally, the motivational and self-improvement gurus found their way into my feeds. 

Facebook bombarded me everyday with ads, throwing an accusing finger at me-- why haven´t you taken steps to find your true passion already?

So here I am, I decided, I´ll just flip a coin and see where it leads me.

Commit to Succeed

I´m challenging myself —commit to what you´re doing, whatever it is!

Which is why I decided to finally rebrand my blog. I have decided to focus on helping new writers find their way into the ever-increasing complexity of content writing for the world wide web.

Much has changed since the early days of blogging. 

Although I have not been consistent in my blog, I was always consistently learning about SEO and the evolution of written content as a tool for businesses. I have also taken online classes on proofreading and editing, and the business of writing. 

My Facebook page for this blog was my inspiration. 

People I didn´t know from other parts of the world started following me. I felt burdened to give back in the way of providing useful content that they can apply in their paths to become online writers.

The Law of Attraction: I Believe Therefore I am

I am a blogger, a writer, an artist and an entrepreneur. 

Yes, I´m claiming that, no negative vibes please. 

Soon, I will be parking this blog under a new domain name. My blog's logo has changed too. 

Did you see the little w with a dot beside my domain name? 

That is what google calls a favicon. If you want to know how I did this as well as the inside scoop about my blog rebranding, drop me a line on the comment below or on any of my social media walls.

I wish anyone who reads this blog post—

Happy writing and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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