Wallace Learns to Swim
In a forest far, far away there was a pond, with water as clear as the sunny sky. On its edge lived a teeny-tiny frog whose name was Wallace. Wallace loved to jump, and jump, and jump at the edge of the pond, but he never once jumped into the pond. The other frogs on the pond would tease him, Wallace, Wallace come into the water and dance Else we'll come over and chase you with a pan! Wallace, Wallace come into the water and prance Else we'll come over and chase you till you run! Wallace would just look at the other little green frogs swimming on the pond. And then he'll shrug his little green shoulder and jump and jump and jump on the edge of the pond until he grows tired and can't jump any more. You see, Wallace had a little secret, he didn't know how to swim. But he was afraid to ask someone to teach him how. And he was more afraid that someone would find out that he can't swim. So instead, he just ignored the other little green f...