Twenty-eight Years and Counting


I don't know if I saw a light
When first I came into this world
I don't know if I heard the sound
Of my mother crying because I'm here
But what I do know is this
I'm glad that I am here

I didn't know how I came into this world
Though now, yes I do know as everyone does
I didn't know how I got my name
My mother told me it was an aunt's gift
But what I did know was this
I was born and I was loved

I didn't know where I would go
When I took those first steps away from my mother's arms
I didn't know how fast I would run
Nor how many times I would fall
But I do know that I need not fear
Because there are hands always ready to pull me up

I didn't know how long it would take
To grow up and be a woman
I didn't know what it would take
To be a daughter, a friend and a lover
But what I do know is this
It takes courage to be all of the above

I don't know how long I could stay
And be with the people I love
I don't know which places I would be able to visit
With the short time I was lent in this world.
But what I do know is this
I'm thankful that I was given the chance to be here 


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