How I Found the Answer to Life the Universe and Everything

It wasn't easy I must admit
I've searched far and wide
For quite some time

The butterflies wouldn't talk
The flowers wouldn't talk
Silent as a tomb the stone sure didn't talk

I asked the old man with the purple beard
Sitting, contemplating for a hundred
No, maybe a thousand years
But was answered with a resounding snore

I followed the fly
It was circling round the old man's head
I thought maybe it'd have heard something
Flying, hovering
Round the old man's head

I thought it was about to speak
But a hopping frog swallowed the poor buzzing fly
Oh how cruel life sometimes could be!

The frog stopped
Swallowed and stopped
It swallowed again
And turned a purple-green-blue color

The frog suddenly started hopping
Hopping to the left, and then to the right
And then it hopped up and down, up and down
And then turned left and right

It made a weird sound as it hopped
And if the echoes are right
It went goo-gle-it, goo-gle-it, goo-gle-it
There never was a sound weirder
Than goo-gle-it, goo-gle-it, goo-gle-it

So scratching my head
I went my way
Thinking do I give up
Or do I go on

As I reached the mountain with blinking light
The trees blinked their blink
And I saw a bouncing purple-green-blue ball
It made a weird goo-gle-it, goo-gle-it, goo-gle-it sound
And I remembered the frog
That swallowed the flying fly

I was not sure if I saw a hopping ball
Or was it a bouncing frog?
Never mind, it's all the same to me

I followed the bouncing ball
Which sometimes turned into a hopping frog
I followed it hop up and down
up and down

I followed it hop left to right
right to left and up and down
Until in a clearing we came
And there I saw a giant pond
As round as the old man's head!

The bouncing ball hopped into the giant pond
Its blinking water
Turned into purple-green-blue
Blinking and blinking still
It blinked and blinked
And blinked some more

A burst of light came through the giant pond
It was blinking in silver, gold and green
The light turned and it hopped and it bounced
Until a giant form of blinking silver, gold and green was there

And there I found the answer to life the universe and everything
And there my journey ended and another began
The answer is 42 and I have to find the goo-gle-it
And let it snow
And then defrost with a click of the mouse

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