
Showing posts from December, 2011

Who Made the Potato and a Poet Known as Sir Walter Raleigh

source: I was working once as a directory assistance operator and got a call from someone who was having a serious debate with his friends. They were in a muddle so they decided to ask my professional advice on a very serious question: Who made the potato, The English or the French? The existence of the French Fries and the English Fish and Chips being a serious matter to consider made it harder to decide. But this is not about the potato. This article is about a poet who brought the potato to the English courts. Sir Walter Raleigh was an English aristrocrat, explorer, poet, writer, and many more. He brought not only the potatoes to England but also the tobacco and the tales of El Dorado. Twice he was imprisoned for love, of which, the second caused him his life. In 1591 he married one of Queen Elizabeth's ladies-in-waiting, Elizabeth Throckmorton, in secret without informing the queen. This caused both him and his wife imprisonment in the London tower. The sentence ...

A World Divided

The world has four corners At least that's what it says In Tolkien's and some other's tales And since then The world has divided into Many more corners I'd say There's the right To some it appears as the left Which one is correct? Bloods spill and children cry And for what? To reiterate the right from the left But which is which There are as many rights As there are as many lefts Dissected into microscopic proportions One needs to invent A telescope and a microscope Combined to see what is what I am right, you are right She is right, he is right Nobody admits We could all be wrong after all

How to Celebrate Christmas in the Office

I guess I'm the lucky one, working in the office, that's my Christmas day gift. I'm glad I was working while the whole world was celebrating and having dinner and exchanging gifts. Otherwise I wouldn't have discovered these fun stuffs if I were out there too! Let it snow Let google supply you with the much needed spirit of the holidays by letting you have a white Christmas right there on your screen. It's quite easy. It's free. And there'll be nothing to clean up afterwards. Just type let it snow in your google search box and see what happens. Learn to fear Chuck Norris To find chuck Norris in Google Search click I'm feeling lucky and look for Chuck Norris. Some of the things you have to know about Chuck Norris if you still love your life: One day Chuck Norris round-house kicked a truck, the truck turned into Optimus Prime instantly Bruce Lee is the only person that lived from a round-house kick from Chuck Norris. He died a year later...

How I Found the Answer to Life the Universe and Everything

It wasn't easy I must admit I've searched far and wide For quite some time The butterflies wouldn't talk The flowers wouldn't talk Silent as a tomb the stone sure didn't talk I asked the old man with the purple beard Sitting, contemplating for a hundred No, maybe a thousand years But was answered with a resounding snore I followed the fly It was circling round the old man's head I thought maybe it'd have heard something Flying, hovering Round the old man's head I thought it was about to speak But a hopping frog swallowed the poor buzzing fly Oh how cruel life sometimes could be! The frog stopped Swallowed and stopped It swallowed again And turned a purple-green-blue color The frog suddenly started hopping Hopping to the left, and then to the right And then it hopped up and down, up and down And then turned left and right It made a weird sound as it hopped And if the echoes are right It went goo-gle-it, goo-gle-i...

To Google or Not to Google Your Name

Googling ones name is perhaps a habit done by people who are bored enough and feeling so uninspired to do anything else that's more brain challenging. Like I sometimes am, which is why I google my name sometimes. Or like this afternoon. If you are a famous celebrity it's probably a good practice never to google your name as it might turn out some nasty result you might not want to read about. Or if you are a wannabe famous celebrity perhaps you do google your name several times a day just to see who has you in the news reel and what they have to say about you. If it's something unflattering then you can rant to your friends what a jerk so and so is. Well I'm not any of those, I'm more like the first kind, bored and trying to see where my articles are actually going. On the first few pages the usual suspects turn up. Wikinut, Bukisa, Factoidz, etc (2021: RIP content mills).    From time to time, some unknown sites with a copy of my article like the one I wro...

A Review of Joshua Mehigan's Essay - " I Thought You Were a Poet"

I knew I was never going to be a poet the day I chose to be happy.  source: Joshua Mehigan's essay -  "I thought You Were a Poet"  - just confirmed that. Winner of Poetry Foundation's editor's prize for feature article, he talked about the seemingly psychotic behaviors of popular poets throughout the centuries which seemed to be the main attracting element that poets had for the public that embraced them. The mysterious eccentricities that made them both repulsive and intriguing. How many poets have you actually known by the poems that they wrote? Isn't it more like reading their biographies first or hearing about their many women or drinking habit or in the end how they killed themselves. And then you want to read their poetry to see whether the stories are true.    As if out of those verses you could watch an HD version of their lives. Joshua Mehigan started his essay with an interpretation of Dryden...