How to Celebrate Christmas in the Office

I guess I'm the lucky one, working in the office, that's my Christmas day gift. I'm glad I was working while the whole world was celebrating and having dinner and exchanging gifts. Otherwise I wouldn't have discovered these fun stuffs if I were out there too!

Let it snow

Let google supply you with the much needed spirit of the holidays by letting you have a white Christmas right there on your screen. It's quite easy. It's free. And there'll be nothing to clean up afterwards. Just type let it snow in your google search box and see what happens.

Learn to fear Chuck Norris

To find chuck Norris in Google Search click I'm feeling lucky and look for Chuck Norris.

Some of the things you have to know about Chuck Norris if you still love your life:

  • One day Chuck Norris round-house kicked a truck, the truck turned into Optimus Prime instantly
  • Bruce Lee is the only person that lived from a round-house kick from Chuck Norris. He died a year later.
  • When a mosquito bites Chuck Norris, its blood gets drained.
  • Chuck Norris knows the square root of -2.
  • Chuck Norris can eat soup with chopsticks.
  • Chuck Norris shaves with a belt sander.
  • Chuck Norris wasn't born. He's always been here.
    (2019 update: The world just lost another fun page as the chuck norris facts website is no longer.

Learn the answer to life the universe and everything

It's amazing how the great philosophers and theologians and poets could have missed the answer to this. It's quite simple. According to Google search results the answer is 42.

This Christmas I learned a most valuable lesson: when life gives you lemons, google it.

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