Maddy (A Zombie Short Story)

Last year I submitted a horror short story to a website called This is a UK based website that accepts submissions for stories that send shivers to the spine, be it horror or science fiction or some heart warming story. Every month they select winners whose stories get featured on their website and also get paid.

It took me several months to finish this story. I wrote the first two paragraphs and then just left it in my hard drive for several months and forgot about it. Literally, I've forgotten I was writing this thing and only remembered about it when I was cleaning my computer for no longer needed files. So after several months I finally finished it, my first horror story. Yey!

I was so impressed with my writing so I decided to immediately submit it to Spinetinglers and waited for my price. I even ignored their warning not to write anything with a plot where everything that happened was just a dream. Yeah, I thought it was that good. Imagine my surprise when it got rejected.

Well not really. 
After I submitted my story I reread it again after a few days and realized how bad it was. Also I have just finished watching Blade 3 a few days before finishing the story and borrowed some dialogues from one of Blade's friends. 
So actually, it was a story done pretty much in bad taste. However, in the spirit of writing adventure, I shall dare to share my first zombie  short story with you my dear readers. (I hope there's more than one of you.)

P.S. This is a zombie story because I really love zombies. I'd watch even the worst of B movies if it has zombies. Any The Walking Dead fan out there?


     In the distance Dan can hear faint hints of muffled screams. Sometimes he can even hear distinct cries for help. But he pays no attention to any of them, except to prick his ears up to gauge how close they are. He is running as fast as he can with as little noise as the grounds will allow him. He hopes with all his heart that he can make it through the night without crossing the sight of any of them. He thought with a shudder as he remembers the first time he found himself face to face, looking into the glassy eyes of one of them.

     That first set of wonky eyes he saw belonged to his all-time crush Maddy. He slept in late the night before and woke up to sounds of doors slamming and people screaming outside his room. It was his last semester in college, the last week to be exact. People have been busy celebrating. Wild parties going on almost everywhere. He thought the screams were coming from people who've had a little too much to drink or smoked the wrong side of a joint. Just the usual crazy stuffs that kids do.

     He turned to get some more sleep, trying to block off the outside noise, making some creaking noises himself on the couch where he fell down to last night. Slowly he felt himself drifting away to unconsciousness.

     Suddenly there was a loud screeching noise on his door. Like someone running a sharp object on the wall. He woke up with a start. He thought he dreamed of falling into a big pit where hands with long and very sharp nails were clawing at him, and sharp teeth biting on his flesh.

     "Fuck!" he muttered just under his breathe. He didn't mind kids going wild as long as they kept it within their space. This was his space dammit!

     He opened the door and found Maddy.

    The first time he saw Maddy, saw her smile, it was like double rainbows suddenly sprouted and illuminated the whole room with amazing kaleidoscope lights. It was his dream to catch those smoldering, sexy eyes since he first stepped into the university's halls and crossed her path.He never succeeded, until now. Her eyes were smoldering all right, but the light was gone.

     Glazed, hungry eyes. That's what Maddy had when he bashed her head to the concrete wall of his dorm room and saw her brains scatter. Some got stuck on the wall where she hit it. Some got to his face. Dan felt a shiver run through him, making his teeth chatter. He could still feel her hungry eyes on him, hear the guttural sound coming from her throat and see her fingers clawing at him. Jesus! She wanted to eat him! Literally.

     He can’t believe it all happened just this afternoon. He blinked and found himself in the twilight zone, no.., more like the walking dead zone. Friends he knew eating friends they knew. Girlfriends eating boyfriends. And if the lunch didn't die, it gets up and tries to find someone to munch on.

     As much as he wants to deny it to himself the fact remains, his friends are now flesh-eating zombies, and these zombies are fierce! All senses tuned up, like a superhero bit by the wrong spider or doused with the wrong kind of superhero chemical. He barely escaped. But he did, or at least made it to the woods away from the carnage and pandemonium.

⟵ ⇼ ⟶

     Dan wipes the perspiration running down his temples with the back of his hands. He feels some gelatinous substance mixed in with his perspiration.

     "Fuck!" he mutters as he remembered Maddy's splattered brains again. “Fuck me!!” he almost shouted as he sees a herd of his former friends strut their zombie asses toward him.

     He needs to find a place to hide, and fast. He thanks his lucky stars that it’s already dark and he has the cover of trees. He is still on school grounds and up ahead of him he knows there’s a sort of forest where he thinks he can hide. Hide for how long he doesn’t know, maybe just wait it out a bit, maybe some sort of rescue will come. He hopes at least.

     His zombie friends look in his direction. Like a synchronized dance to Michael Jackson´s Thriller. “Fuck me twice!!” he mutters to himself as he realized that they don’t need to see him, they can smell him like a hot, fucking freshly baked pizza. “Shit!!” he starts to run towards the woods, maybe he can climb up some tree and they won’t be able to reach him.

     He runs as fast as his feet can take him. He looks back and sees there were more of them coming and running with equal speed. “Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!!” he keeps muttering and he keeps running. He looks around trying to find some sort of escape. But there is no time to even pause to catch his breath, one mistake and he’s dead. Or worse.

     He kept running and they kept running.

     Suddenly he feels air where the grounds should be. He slides. He could feel rocks scratching his back. As he reaches the bottom of the pit he feels a sharp pain on his left ankle. He hears groans coming from the top of the pit and he feels his stomach churn as he realized what the groans meant.

     He hears more bodies sliding on the dirt. He tries to get up but his ankle won’t let him. He does the next best thing, he crawls. With a sinking feeling he realizes that all of it is futile. He feels the first set of clawing hands reaching for his legs, his arms, and every part of his body that they can get a hold of. As the first set of teeth bit into his bruised flesh he screams like he has never screamed before in his life.
⟵ ⇼ ⟶

     Dan wakes with a start. He reaches for his legs, arms and every part of his body that he thought got bit. Boy! Is he glad that it was just a dream. Outside he hears screams and loud banging noises. He almost smiled, at least everything is just normal. He tries to go back to sleep.

     Suddenly there are scratching noises on his door, like nails or something sharp. “Fuck!”

     He feels bile rise from his stomach. He dares not to even think it. Everything is happening like a rerun of a bad horror B movie.

     He stands up to open the door.

     Staring right at him are the sexy, smoldering eyes of Maddy. He should thank his lucky stars except for the fact that there is something wrong with those eyes.

     “Fuck me!” he screams as Maddy launches at him with her beautiful, bloody claws.

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