How to Become A Thiller Writer

Alright, not exactly a how to but at least some points to remember that might be helpful to those who are trying to make it through to the world of published authors. This is something that I just stumbled upon a few hours ago and decided might be worth writing a recap here in case I finally do get the nerve and the motivation to write something. This is probably something that all aspiring fiction writers can take note of, not just thriller writers but writers of all genre. Some might be applicable, some may not. According to Janet Reid , or at least according to the notes she took from a thriller seminar she attended, the following are the characteristics that usually make a good thriller book. It's either a book focused on one of the listed characteristics or all of them. CONCEPT: The speaker cited Jurassic Park as a good example for this. How many other books have we read which took us in right from the start because of some exciting concept? It coul...